This Tech Tip will highlight two of many new features added to InSight Explorer v4.5. The Plot Tools and Links Tab. This Tech Tip will demonstrate how you can display Text Graphics with X and Y position in the EasyBuilder runtime display. Change the text color to Green or Red based upon the inspection results.
The Plot Tools have been added to the Inspect Part step. These tools are used to create conditionally enabled graphics placed on the image based on mathematical expressions. The list of Plot Tool objects are Arc, Circle, Cross, Line, Point, Region and String. This Tech Tip will illustrate the Plot tool example showing a “Pass” or “Fail” string based upon the inspection results.
The Links tab was added to the Palette view, which allows you to quickly link specific tool input and output properties to other tools. Links between tool Output properties and Input properties can be made by either dragging the Output property node to the applicable Input property node, or by right-clicking the Input property and selecting the applicable Output property from the Link From context menu. This Link example will demonstrate the ability to change the Plot String color based upon the inspection results.
The first step in creating the Plot string to display the Inspection Pass/Fail is to group the results. In this example we will Group the 5 Blob Area tools. If any Blob Area tool fails the group will fail. This provides the result for the Plot String. See Display Results images
1) Add the “Tablet_Verify” Group Tool from the Math & Logic Tools. Add the specific Inspection tools that will provide the Pass/Fail result. In this example I added the 5 Blob Area Tools that look for the Tablets to be present. Set the Tool Enabled set to On (default).
2) Add the Plot String tool from the Plot Tools. In the Plot String enter (225) in the X Tab and (200) Y Tab pixel coordinates. This positions the String text. In the String Tab enter the following: If((Tablet_Verify.Pass),"Pass","Fail") expression. This will display the “Pass” or “Fail” string in the display.
3) Add the “Text_Color” Math Tool from the Math & Logic Tools. In the Expression tab enter If((Tablet_Verify.Pass), 8,1). This will set the color of the Plot String text to Green(8) or Red(1) for a Pass or Fail condition.
4) Now we need to Link the “Text_Color.Result” tool’s Output property to the “Plot_Result String.Color” tool’s Input property. Click on the Link Tab in the Palette View. Expand the “Text_Color” and “Plot_Result_String” tools. Drag the “Text_Color.Result” on to the “Plot_Result_String. Color” property. You will now see a blue linking arrow pointing to the Color property. You have successfully linked these 2 properties.
In Summary we now can Display the string “Pass” or “Fail” and change the color based upon the result of the group tool “Tablet_Verify” Result.
*** A sample project file and images may be downloaded from the following FTP site - - it will be in the /Info folder under the name TECHNOTE_2011_06_13.ZIP ***