The correct steps to develop and run an pre-version 6 firmware on a FTView Studio V6 development software is as follows.
1). Have your FTView ME application open. Select ‘Application’ from the menu bar.
2). Select ‘Create Runtime Application’
3). Here select your runtime application name or type a new name like ‘my_v51_application’.
4). Next select the Save as Type Pull-down. Here choose which firmware version you want to compile for. Then click ‘Save’. Your runtime application will begin to compile.
To Import mer application into an older version FTView Studio on another computer
1). Select ‘Tools’ from the menu bar.
2). Click ‘Application Manager’ Select Machine Edition and click ‘Next’.
3). Select ‘Restore runtime application’ at the bottom of the list.
4). Choose the .mer file you just created and select ‘Restore the runtime application’ Note: If you desire the Factory Talk Local Directory to be imported this will overwrite the existing information which may not be desirable.
5). Enter a name for the new application. This will be the name it is displayed in your projects list. Click ‘Finish’. The new application will be created.
To Download to a PanelView Plus terminal
1). Select ‘Tools’ from the menu bar.
2). Click ‘Transfer utility’ The Transfer utility will open. Select the .mer file you just created and select the PanelView Plus terminal you want to download too.
3). Click the ‘Download’ Button your application will begin to transfer to the terminal.